Sl No | Name of Item | UOM |
01 | Albumin (20ml Х8ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
02 | ALP (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-12 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
03 | Alfa Amylase (R1-50 Х1ml, R2-18 Х1ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
04 | Total Bilirubin (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-12 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
05 | Direct Bilirubin (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-12 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
06 | Cholesterol (R-20 Х8ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
07 | Creatinine (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-16 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
08 | Calcium (R-20 Х8ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
09 | Magnesium (R-20 Х8ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
10 | Calibrator for serum Level 2 (1Х5ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
11 | Glucose (R-20 Х8ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
12 | HDL cholesterol (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-16 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
13 | LDL Cholesterol (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-16 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
14 | Control for serum level 2 (1Х5ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
15 | Lipase (R1-40 Х2ml, R2-20 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
16 | SGPT (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-12 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
17 | SGOT (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-12 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
18 | Urea (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-16 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
19 | Uric Acid (R1-48 Х2ml, R2-12 Х2ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
20 | Triglyceride (R-20 Х8ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
21 | ICT Salmonella (IgG/IgM) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer | 1 pc |
22 | Calibration Serum for HDL-C (1 Х1ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
23 | Control Serum for HDL-C (1Х3ml) for Auto Biochemistry Analyzer(Biobase BK 200) | 1 Kit |
24 | Helogen Lamp for auto biochemistry analyzer (6V/10W) | 1 pc |
25 | Cuvette for auto biochemistry analyzer (48 pcs /Set) | 1 set |

No | Description | UOM |
01 | Handheld Analyzer for Dry biochemistry and Immunoflurosence, BK120 Original Dual Methodology Dry chemistry & Immunofluorescence Result obtained in 3~10 min Comprehensive Test ltems Covering diagnostic category Up to test items Exclusive & Featured ltems 2in1GLU/HbA1c Cre/mAlb AST/ALT VB12 FT3 FT4 VD |
1 Kit |
Category | Abbr. | Full Name | Methodology |
Diabetes | GLU/HbA1C (2 in 1) | Glucose/ Hemoglobin A1C | Dry Chemistry and immunofluorescence |
Blood Lipids | TG/TCH/HDL-C/LDL-C | Triglyceride/ Total Cholesterol/ High density Lipoprotein Cholesterol / Low density Lipoprotein Cholesterol |
Dry Chemistry |
Thyroid Function | FT3/FT4/TSH | Free triiodothyronine / Thyroxine / Thyroid stimulating Hormone |
immunofluorescence |

Healthcare Product Categories
Types | Definition | Examples |
Medical Consumable | Medical consumables are non-durable supplies used in healthcare facilities for patient care, diagnosis, or treatment. They are usually used once and then discarded. | Bandages, Gloves, Masks, Cotton etc. |
General Consumables & Stationary | General consumables are essential supplies that are used on a regular basis to support daily operations. They are also known as consumable goods, non-durable goods, or soft goods. | Office supplies, Batteries, Envelopes, Calculator, Printer paper etc. |
Lab Consumables | Lab consumables are items used in a laboratory that are intended to be used until they are used up or worn down, and then replaced. | Disposable gloves, Pipette tips, Centrifuge tubes, Beakers, Reagents (Dry & Wet) etc. |
Medical Equipment | An article, instrument, apparatus or machine that is used in the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness or disease, or for detecting, measuring, restoring, correcting or modifying the structure or function of the body for some health purpose. |
Class A (Low Risk): Tongue depressors, Wheelchairs, Spectacles, Alcohol Swabs. Class B (Low to Moderate Risk): Hearing aids, Thermometers. Class C (Moderate to High Risk): Ventilators, Infusion pumps. Class D (High Risk): Pacemakers, Defibrillators. |
IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | IPC is relevant to every patient and healthcare worker at every healthcare interaction. It affects all aspects of healthcare, including: hand hygiene, surgical site infections, injection safety, antimicrobial resistance, and how hospitals operate during and outside of emergencies. | Mask, Apron, Gloves, Bin liner bag, Hand sanitizer etc. |
Medical Consumables
Medical consumables are non-durable supplies used in healthcare facilities for patient care, diagnosis, or treatment. They are usually used once and then discarded.
Sl No | Category | Product Name | UoM |
1 | Medical Consumables | Alcohol Pad (Swabs), 100pc/box | Box |
2 | Medical Consumables | Baby Needle 26G, 100pcs/Box | Box |
3 | Medical Consumables | Bandage, Crepe 10 cm x 4 m | Box |
4 | Medical Consumables | Blood Lancet, 30G. | Pcs |
5 | Medical Consumables | Gauze Compress paraffin, 10x10 cm, sterile | Pcs |
6 | Medical Consumables | Cotton wool 500 gm. | Pack |
7 | Medical Consumables | ECG Paper 11 cm Roll, Model - ECG 606 A | Roll |
8 | Medical Consumables | Gauze Compress, Sterile, 4X4 | Pcs |
9 | Medical Consumables | Gloves, Examination, size Small, 100 pcs/Box, Nitrile | Box |
10 | Medical Consumables | Gloves, Examination, size Medium, 100 pcs/box, Nitrile | Box |
11 | Medical Consumables | Gloves, Examination, size Large, 100 pcs/box, Nitrile | Box |
12 | Medical Consumables | Gloves, Surgical (Sterile) sizes 6.5 | Pair |
13 | Medical Consumables | Gloves, Surgical (Sterile) sizes 7 | Pair |
14 | Medical Consumables | Gloves, Surgical (Sterile) sizes 7.5 | Pair |
15 | Medical Consumables | Infusion set (Adult), JMI | Pcs |
16 | Medical Consumables | Infusion Set, Paediatric with Buret set, JMI | Pcs |
17 | Medical Consumables | Syringe Insulin syringe 100 IU/ml | Pcs |
18 | Medical Consumables | IV cannula 18G, JMI/B.Brown | Pcs |
19 | Medical Consumables | IV cannula 20G, JMI/B.Brown | Pcs |
20 | Medical Consumables | IV Cannula 22G, JMI/B.Brown | Pcs |
21 | Medical Consumables | IV Cannula 24G, JMI/B.Brown | Pcs |
22 | Medical Consumables | MUAC TAPE (Adult) | Pcs |
23 | Medical Consumables | MUAC TAPE (Child) | Pcs |
24 | Medical Consumables | Mask Nebulizer mask (Adults) | Pcs |
25 | Medical Consumables | Mask Nebulizer mask (Paediatric) | Pcs |
26 | Medical Consumables | Mask Oxygen face mask (Tubing Paediatric size) | Pcs |
27 | Medical Consumables | Plastic Bag with Zipper (Drug Bag), Size: (3 inches x 5 inches) | Pcs |
28 | Medical Consumables | Rexine Sheet to cover patient Bed, size: 6 feet x 3 feet | Pcs |
29 | Medical Consumables | Bandage Roll Bandage 4" | Pcs |
30 | Medical Consumables | Blade Scalpel Blade, No.10 | Pcs |
31 | Medical Consumables | Sharp Box, 5 L, Cardboard | Pcs |
32 | Medical Consumables | Suture, Non-Absorbent, 2-0, cutting (proline) | Pcs |
33 | Medical Consumables | Syringe 3 ml with needle, JMI | Pcs |
34 | Medical Consumables | Syringe 5 ml with needle | Pcs |
35 | Medical Consumables | Syringe Disposable 10 cc, JMI | Pcs |
36 | Medical Consumables | Tape Adhesive 1" (Micropore / Nichiban) | Pcs |
37 | Medical Consumables | Tape Adhesive 2" (Micropore / Nichiban) | Pcs |
38 | Medical Consumables | Tourniquet, elastic, 100 x 1.8 cm | Pcs |
39 | Medical Consumables | Tube, Suction, Conical Tip, 50 cm, single use, FR 8 | Pcs |
40 | Medical Consumables | Urinary Catheter, Foley, 2 Way, Balloon, Sterile, FR-10, Bradia | Pcs |
41 | Medical Consumables | Urinary Catheter, Foley, 2 Way, Balloon, Sterile, FR-14, Bradia | Pcs |
42 | Medical Consumables | Urinary Catheter, Foley, 2 Way, Balloon, Sterile, FR-16, Bradia | Pcs |
43 | Medical Consumables | Urine bag 2000 ml, JMI | Pcs |
44 | Medical Consumables | Thermometer, Digital, Rossmax TG100 | Pcs |
45 | Medical Consumables | IV Cannula Dressing (Cannula Fixator) | Pcs |
46 | Medical Consumables | IV cannula 16G, JMI/B.Brown | Pcs |
47 | Medical Consumables | IV cannula 26G, JMI/B.Brown | Pcs |
48 | Medical Consumables | Mask, Surgical, IIR type, s.u with viral filter | Pcs |
49 | Medical Consumables | Razor, disposable | Pcs |
50 | Medical Consumables | Blade Scalpel Blade, No.20 | Pcs |
51 | Medical Consumables | NASAL OXYGEN CANNULA, 2 prongs + tube, adult | Pcs |
52 | Medical Consumables | NASAL OXYGEN CANNULA, 2 prongs + tube, paediatric | Pcs |
53 | Medical Consumables | Plaster of Paris, 15 cm x 2.5 m | Pcs |
54 | Medical Consumables | Plaster of Paris, 10 cm x 2.7 m | Pcs |
General Consumables & Stationary
General consumables are essential supplies that are used on a regular basis to support daily operations. They are also known as consumable goods, non-durable goods, or soft goods.
Sl No | Category | Product Name | UoM |
1 | Stationery and General Consumable | Aerosol Spray; 475 ml Bottle | Pcs |
2 | Stationery and General Consumable | Air Freshener; 300 ml Bottle | Pcs |
3 | Stationery and General Consumable | Ball Pen | Pcs |
4 | Stationery and General Consumable | Battery 3V, Glucometer, cell type, lithium (CR2032)(UN3090/9) | Pcs |
5 | Stationery and General Consumable | Battery, AAA (Remote Battery), Sunlight | Pcs |
6 | Stationery and General Consumable | Detergent Powder; 1 Kg, Rin power white / Surf excel | Kg |
7 | Stationery and General Consumable | Facial Tissue | Box |
8 | Stationery and General Consumable | Flower Broom | Pcs |
9 | Stationery and General Consumable | Hand Wash; 200 ml Bottle | Bottle |
10 | Stationery and General Consumable | Harpic, 1 L /Bottle | Liter |
11 | Stationery and General Consumable | Lizole 500 ml | Pcs |
12 | Stationery and General Consumable | LR41 HG Cell (coin type Battery) for Digital thermometer | Pcs |
13 | Stationery and General Consumable | Marker, White board | Pcs |
14 | Stationery and General Consumable | Pencil Sharpener | Pcs |
15 | Stationery and General Consumable | Pin remover | Pcs |
16 | Stationery and General Consumable | Punch machine | Pcs |
17 | Stationery and General Consumable | Register Book 300 page | Pcs |
18 | Stationery and General Consumable | Register Book, 1000 page | Pcs |
19 | Stationery and General Consumable | Scale Ruler, SS, 12" | Pcs |
20 | Stationery and General Consumable | Scotch tape slim, Small size | Pcs |
21 | Stationery and General Consumable | Stamp pad | Pcs |
22 | Stationery and General Consumable | Stamp pad ink | Pcs |
23 | Stationery and General Consumable | Toilet Tissue | Pcs |
24 | Stationery and General Consumable | CD/Lab Marker | Pcs |
25 | Stationery and General Consumable | A4 Size Envelope, Brown Color | Pcs |
26 | Stationery and General Consumable | A4 Size Offset Paper, box of 500 sheets, 80 gm | Pack |
27 | Stationery and General Consumable | Battery AA Size, Sunlight | Pcs |
28 | Stationery and General Consumable | Board Pin, 100 pcs box | Box |
29 | Stationery and General Consumable | Cotton Towel, 20x40'' | Pcs |
30 | Stationery and General Consumable | Finis insect Killer, 100gm/Pot | Pcs |
31 | Stationery and General Consumable | Paper Cup, 200 ml | Pcs |
32 | Stationery and General Consumable | Hand kitchen tissue | Pcs |
33 | Stationery and General Consumable | Highlighter pen | Pcs |
34 | Stationery and General Consumable | Marker, Permanent | Pcs |
35 | Stationery and General Consumable | Masking Tape, Big size | Pcs |
36 | Stationery and General Consumable | Odonil (Odor Clean) | Pcs |
37 | Stationery and General Consumable | Rat Trap (Glue Board) | Pcs |
38 | Stationery and General Consumable | Scotch tape, Big size | Pcs |
39 | Stationery and General Consumable | Stapler pins, 1000's case | Pcs |
40 | Stationery and General Consumable | Sticky note pad, Large | Pcs |
41 | Stationery and General Consumable | Plate disposable | Pcs |
42 | Stationery and General Consumable | Water filter kit, 3000L, Pureit | Pcs |
43 | Stationery and General Consumable | Plastic Cargo Box 120 L | Pcs |
Lab Consumables
Lab consumables are items used in a laboratory that are intended to be used until they are used up or worn down, and then replaced.
Sl No | Category | Product Name | UoM |
1 | Lab Consumables | Urine Strip 10 V | Pcs |
2 | Lab Consumables | CD Marker | Pcs |
3 | Lab Consumables | Dropper | Pcs |
4 | Lab Consumables | ESR Vacuum tube, Glass, 8x120mm | Pcs |
5 | Lab Consumables | Ethanol 70%, 500ml | Bottle |
6 | Lab Consumables | Micropipette Stand/Holder | Pcs |
7 | Lab Consumables | SLIDE, Frosted, 76x26mm, Microscopy, 72cs/Box | Pcs |
8 | Lab Consumables | Syringe 3ml with needle, JMI | Pcs |
9 | Lab Consumables | Syringe 5ml with needle, JMI | Pcs |
10 | Lab Consumables | Tip Blue | Pcs |
11 | Lab Consumables | TIP, Yellow | Pcs |
12 | Lab Consumables | Tube (Eppendorf) (Electrolyte analyser) | Pcs |
13 | Lab Consumables | Tube Vacuum, Plastic, Serum, 4ml, Red | Pcs |
14 | Lab Consumables | Tube, Centrifuge, 15ml | Pcs |
15 | Lab Consumables | Vacutainer Needle disposable, 21G (Blood Collection Needle) | Pcs |
16 | Lab Consumables | VTM (Viral Transport Medium along with Nasal & Throat Swab Stick) | Pcs |
17 | Lab Consumables | Isothermal Box | Pcs |
18 | Lab Consumables | Ice Pack/ Gel Pack | Pcs |
19 | Lab Consumables | Falcon Tube Rack | Pcs |
20 | Lab Consumables | Test Tube Cleaning Brush | Pcs |
Medical Equipment
An article, instrument, apparatus or machine that is used in the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness or disease, or for detecting, measuring, restoring, correcting or modifying the structure or function of the body for some health purpose.
Sl No | Category | Product Name |
1 | Medical Equipment | Cardiac Monitor |
2 | Medical Equipment | Nebulizer machine |
3 | Medical Equipment | Oxygen flowmeter |
4 | Medical Equipment | Autoclave Machine (Medium) |
IPC (Infection Prevention and Control)
IPC is relevant to every patient and healthcare worker at every healthcare interaction. It affects all aspects of healthcare, including: hand hygiene, surgical site infections, injection safety, antimicrobial resistance, and how hospitals operate during and outside of emergencies.
Sl No | Category | Product Name | Pack Size |
1 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Autoclave Paper, 100 cm x 100 cm | Pcs |
2 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Bin Liner Bag 120L.BLACK (H 47"x L36") | Pcs |
3 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Bin Liner Bag 120L.GREEN (H 47"x L36") | Pcs |
4 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Bin Liner Bag 120L.Yellow (H 47"x L36") | Pcs |
5 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Bin Liner Bag 20L.BLACK (H 24"x L18") | Pcs |
6 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Bin Liner Bag 20L.Yellow (H 24"x L18") | Pcs |
7 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Bin Liner Bag 20L.Green (H 24"x L18") | Pcs |
8 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Bin Liner Bag 20L.Red (H 24"x L18") | Pcs |
9 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Face Shield | Pcs |
10 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Isolation Gown, single use, universal size, PE coated, ISO Certified and FDA registered | Pcs |
11 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Macintosh Apron | Pcs |
12 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Tape, Autoclave, 18mm x 55mm/0.7in x 60yd, 3M | Pcs |
13 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Autoclave Paper, 60cm x 60cm | Pcs |
14 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Autoclave Paper, 75cm x 75cm | Pcs |
15 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | HTH Chlorine Dram (40kg) | Gallon |
16 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Apron, heavy duty (Size: Large) | Pcs |
17 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Apron, heavy duty (Size: Small) | Pcs |
18 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Apron, heavy duty (Size: Medium) | Pcs |
19 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Gloves - for cleaning size Large, pair | Pair |
20 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Gloves - for cleaning size Medium, pair | Pair |
21 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Gloves - for cleaning size Small, pair | Pair |
22 | IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) | Head cover | Pcs |
1st time in Bangladesh automated pricking needle
Material: ABS+Stainless steel
Sterilization: Gamma Radiation
Gauge: 21g, 23g, 26g, 28g, 30g
Packing: 100pcs/Box, 50 pcs/Box
Model | Size | Diameter | Depth | Color |
TYJ201 | 21g | 0.8mm | 1.8mm | Dark green |
TYJ202 | 23g | 0.65mm | 1.8mm | Light green |
TYJ203 | 26g | 0.46mm | 1.8mm | Yellow |
TYJ204 | 28g | 0.35mm | 1.8mm | Purple |
TYJ205 | 30g | 0.32mm | 1.8mm | Grey/blue |
- No need of separate lancet pen for pricking
- 5 seconds solution
- Inactivated automatically after first use